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      Home > Case> Subway

      Xi ' an Metro Lines 14 and 16

      Xi ' an Metro Line 14


      ( 1 ) FOBOM brand provides 204 LCD screens, 34 LED screens and 16 query machines for the passenger information system of Xi ’ an Metro Line 14.     It meets the needs of customers with the characteristics of “ innovation ”, “ technology ” and “ high quality ”, and is recognized with excellent imaging effect, high compatibility and high stability.

      Xi ' an Metro Line 16


      1. FOBOM brand provides 80 X86 servers for the visual communication system of Xi ' an Metro Line 16, which is applied to some new unique technologies, such as hot swapping, etc., with high stability and error correction performance, comprehensive function, strong management and easy maintenance.

      COPYRIGHT富 FOBOM (Xiamen) Technology Co., Ltd. Mobile phone: 13720876105  fixed phone: 0592-7621905   閩ICP備2021009521號


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