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      Home > Case> Subway

      Fuzhou Metro Line 5


      FOBOM brand provides 20 video analysis servers for Fuzhou Metro Line 5 video monitoring system, 23 sets of storage for security integrated platform and 12 sets of storage for passenger information system. The video analysis server has the functions of intrusion detection, theft detection, detention detection, trip line detection, wandering detection, off post detection, flame detection, smoke detection, traffic statistics, personnel aggregation, speed anomaly detection, lens anomaly detection, etc., which can be freely combined to meet the needs of customer application scenarios to the maximum. By connecting the video analysis server to the monitoring system and alarm system, the traditional monitoring system and alarm system can be upgraded to an intelligent video alarm system.

      At the same time, it also provides Fuzhou Metro with reliable, highly standardized, flexible unified architecture, centralized management and easy maintenance storage devices.


      COPYRIGHT富 FOBOM (Xiamen) Technology Co., Ltd. Mobile phone: 13720876105  fixed phone: 0592-7621905   閩ICP備2021009521號


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