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      Home > Case> Airport

      Xiamen Xiang ’ an International Airport


      Xiamen Xiang ’ an International Airport ( Xiamen Xiang ’ an International Airport ) is located at the southeast end of Dadeng Island, Dadeng Street, Xiang ’ an District, Xiamen City, Fujian Province, China. It is about 22 km west from Xiamen Gaoqi International Airport, about 25 km southwest from the center of Xiamen Island, and about 14 km south from Jinmen Shangyi Airport. It is a regional international hub airport on the west coast of the 4F-class Strait and a sea silk gateway hub airport.    In July 2007, Xiamen Xiang ' an International Airport began site selection.  In 2014, Xiamen Xiang ' an International Airport Dadeng Island site was approved.    Xiamen Xiang ' an International Airport terminal area of 550,000 square meters, two parallel runways are 3600 meters and 3800 meters long.  It can meet the needs of 45 million passengers per year, 750,000 tons of cargo throughput and 380,000 aircraft take-offs and landings.


      Our company won the project in 2020 passenger information system display and computer room server.

      COPYRIGHT富 FOBOM (Xiamen) Technology Co., Ltd. Mobile phone: 13720876105  fixed phone: 0592-7621905   閩ICP備2021009521號


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